It’s no surprise to anyone that we’ve needed distractions and ways to entertain ourselves during the pandemic. Thankfully, the birds were oblivious and I was grateful.
Turns out, so were lots of others. A quick Google search shows us there was a sudden rise in bird watching and feeding during the pandemic and people are sticking with it.
As one column in Ottawa mused, bird watching might be the new binge watching. I’d choose birds over screens any time.
Of course, our feathered friends have always been in our own backyards, neighborhoods, parks and nature preserves. And taking the time to notice can be a welcome pause from the frenetic pace of things.
Here are a few other reasons and pointers on why we’re feeding the birds:
1) Watching birds is so much better for us than scrolling social media or racking up more screen time.
We all know that exposure to nature has calming effects. Even simply looking at trees and wildlife lowers blood pressure, anxiety, depression and loneliness, not to mention time spent outside filling feeders and watching birds.
Seeing living creatures just outside your window is a pure, unadulterated shot of serotonin, and one that leaves us feeling a little more connected to nature and the natural world.
2) Feeding birds helps replace food sources lost to development and gives them extra energy, especially when they need it most.
When we fill feeders with nutritious birdseed and offer other high-quality food sources like suet, nuts, nectar and fruit from pollinator-friendly plants, trees and shrubs, we support good health during mating season and before migration.
We can also help meet birds’ basic needs by planting trees that provide shelter, water, and food and nesting sites. Talk with one of our experts on choosing a mixture of deciduous, coniferous/evergreen and fruit trees that are handsome landscape additions, as well as bird-friendly.
3) Birds offer natural insect control.
A regular influx of birds to your backyard means a natural brigade of insect control experts. Birds will come for the seed, suet, nuts and nectar, but they’ll also come for the insects, no chemicals required.
4) Birds and the bees make the world go ‘round.
Did you know that more than 80% of the world’s flowering plants and approximately 35% of the world’s food crops depend on animal pollinators to reproduce?
In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, ‘one out of every three bites of our food is created with the help of pollinators’ like our backyard bird friends.’
Taking care of our birds is good for them, and good for everyone.
5) You can share bird feeding and watching with future generations.
A great way to help our children and grandchildren be good stewards of the earth is to expose them to the natural world.
Birds are beautiful, their habits are fascinating and becoming familiar with the birds who visit your feeders is a fun way to feel connected with nature.
We can also use the chance to show kids our responsibility in making feeders clean and safe places for birds to visit. Be sure to clean and sterilize your feeders regularly to avoid spreading disease and do your best to protect birds from predators with bird-friendly plantings and landscaping.
Ready to feed the birds with us? Let us know if you have any questions on high-quality birdseed, suet, how to clean your feeders and more. Just stop in or give us a call at (603) 472-8880.